Monday, November 17, 2008

Bye Bye Kansas: By Srcibbles

In the first three months, the biggest difference I’ve found between law school and undergrad is how focused every aspect law school life is. I started writing this posting during class, but I found that I couldn’t describe my experiences in law school and follow the lecture, so I had to put this down. Multitasking in class is not an option for me if I want to pick up the key points the professor is making, because she isn’t always going to say, “This is important. Put this in your outline.”

Another major difference involves studying and reading. When I was an undergrad, I would skim the text or read the assigned pages once. Now, I usually have to read each case two or more times to understand the arguments and dissect the governing law.

Even social events are more focused and important in law school. Of course, I’ve made friends that I enjoy studying or hanging out with. But law school events are also opportunities to network and make contacts that I may need to rely on five years from now to get a job.

Law school is certainly far more like undergrad than it is like working in an office. But I can’t help feeling that I’ve started down a path that will continue to require a heightened degree of focus and energy, and there’s no going back to Kansas.

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