Sunday, October 19, 2008

I’m REALLY a Law Student-Week 1: by D. Rapids

Although my id card that I got during Orientation claimed I was a “law student”, it wasn’t official until I sat through my very first law-school class, not including “Introduction to Law”. Rumors of my contract’s professor’s excellence proved true. He
explains everything so thoroughly and in a very systematic, easy-to-understand way. Also, he really engages students in the material by asking lots of questions.

Then, there’s Torts. My Torts professor seems very, very, very passionate about the subject, which is always a good thing. I think Torts is going to be my favorite class because the cases involve everyday situations (i.e. people throwing things at each other, poking people’s eyes out with sticks).

Legal writing. Oh, what can I say about Legal Writing? Well, I was an English major and legal writing is more like math than writing. Really! Everything has to be precise and concise. My professor is very upbeat and seems like she is going to be helpful, but I’m still worried. However, there is the Writing Center if I really need help.

Besides the classes, the first week of law school was kind of like the first week of high school. We even get lockers! Everyone is trying to get to know each other and get accustomed to the school. I was actually surprised by how friendly all the students are here. I had this image in my mind of “the law student”. But this student doesn’t exist. All the students have really different personalities, which makes things exciting.

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