Monday, January 26, 2009

Help Wanted by Scribbles

No sooner had the recent presidential race been decided than the “talking heads” were already speculating about the possible candidates for the 2012 race. Similarly, no sooner had I gotten to law school than people were asking me to think about jobs after graduation.
Fortunately, at St. John’s Law, there is plenty of help in making this important decision. The Career Services Office, which assists students in finding summer jobs and employment after graduation, makes a point of reaching out to students early. In October, they held an information session for all 1L’s to discuss job fairs, summer internships, judicial clerkships, and scholarship opportunities. In addition, each 1L was paired with a Career Services counselor.

Just recently, I met with my counselor who gave me some very helpful feedback on my resume and cover letter. She also offered advice about summer employment opportunities in areas that I am interested in. My counselor also arranged to conduct a mock interview so I would be prepared for my first interview.

While the bar exam may still be three years away, my first summer internship begins in just six months. Thanks to the Career Services Offices, I feel well prepared and the search has already begun.

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